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Rules of The Road

Looking for a map of where you are allowed to drive your golf cart? Click Here.

The New Braunfels City Council recently approved the use of Golf Carts and NEVs on most of the streets in New Braunfels* where the speed limit is 35 MPH or lower. While there are some rules and regulations that you need to follow, these changes now make neighborhood travel just a little easier.

Operation – Golf Cart Specific

1. A golf cart may not be driven across intersections where the cross street has a posted speed limit of more than 35 miles per hour.
2. Nighttime driving of golf carts is prohibited. Golf carts can only be driven during the daytime.
3. Daytime means the period beginning one-half hour before sunrise and ending one-half hour after sunset.
4. An operator of a golf cart may only drive a distance of up to two miles from the location where the vehicle is usually parked.

Operator Regulations

1. All operators of golf carts or NEVs shall:
a. Be licensed to operate a motor vehicle as provided by Texas Transportation Code, Section 521.021 and carry a valid driver’s license and all state law driver’s license permissions and restrictions shall apply to the operation of a golf cart or NEV
b. Abide by all State and local traffic regulations applicable to vehicular traffic
c. Use standard hand signals for turning during daylight if the operator’s golf cart is not equipped with turn signals
d. Not operate or park on a sidewalk or hike and bike trail at any time
e. Not use the vehicle to pull any object or person at any time
f. Not exceed the seating capacity of the vehicle as designed by the manufacturer
g. Remain seated at all times while the vehicle is in motion and ensure the same for passengers. Passengers can be issued a citation for not remaining seated while vehicle is moving
h. Not have or permit a passenger younger than four years of age
i. Maintain financial responsibility as defined in the Texas Transportation Code, Section 601.051
j. Not intentionally or knowingly allow an unlicensed operator to operate the vehicle

A copy of a pamphlet explaining the ordinance (# 2015-5) has been posted below. Know the rules of the road.

Here is a link to the actual City ordinance and here is a download of the tri-fold brouchure pt. 1 and pt. 2